Hot on the heels of the nautical 60th, came a golfing themed 60th for Sarah's other gorgeous Dad, Kevin. Sarah's lovely Mum, Val, had some great ideas which I worked with and we ended up with a large cutting cake which featured Kevin's initials propped up against golf tees. The cake was a buttercake sandwiches with lemon cream filling and iced with a whipped white buttercream frosting. The sides were decorated with green & white coconut and a pale green star border.
The cupcakes were all vanilla cake and 3 different designs. The first was a mound of pale green frosting "grass" surrounding a golf flag (which I made featuring either Kevin's initials or "60"). The second was a pale green embossed fondant icing topped with a tiny golf tee and ball. The third was a golf ball edible printed icing impression (from the lovely folks at http://www.cakesaroundtown.com.au/ who have images for just about any theme you can come up with), surrounded by pale green frosted "grass".
It was a lot of fun to make all the tees and balls. Each time I've made something different I've learnt how to use different tools much more effectively and this particular theme was great for improving some of my flower moulding paste techniques! When all the little golf balls were sitting by themselves they looked more like hailstones than golf balls, but the tees managed to give them a better identity!
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